Ladies and gentlemen My name is Wang Tao. Fm very glad to share my wonderful experience with you.
Thanks for your listening!
One possible version:
The 16th Asian Youth Games were held in Nanjing. It started on 16th August 2013 and ended on 24th August. As a volunteer I needed to take athletes to their different competition areas. I took good care of them in many ways and helped them solve many problems. In their spare time I chatted with them in English. We both learned about different cultures and also developed our friendship. I think it's meaningful to do the job. I hope to have more chances to help others.
welcome to Shantou.As we know,Shantou has mang delicious foods,now I will tell you about one of famous food--"beef wanzi".
Beef wanzi is made of fresh beef.
We need cut off the beef and beat them mang times.We can not stop beating them until the meat become very elasticity.People from all over the world like beef wanzi very much.Because they are really yummy and not expensive!It is good choice for you to buy some beef wanzi as gifts.
Shantou is a coastal city in the east of Guangdong province with a total population of more than 5 million and an area of 2064 square kilometres.It became one of the original Special Economic Zones of China in the 1980s.It has many tourist attractions such as beautiful beaches and fresh air.It is one of the most comfortable cities fir people to live in China.
汕头石炮台公园 汕头石炮台构筑奇巧,是古代军事设施,石炮台公园是在崎碌炮台原址上扩建的一个园林式公园,总面积58000平方米。崎碌炮台始建于清同治十三年(1874年),光绪五年(1879年)竣工,用了整整五年的时间,耗资8万余银元才建成。石炮台为环圆形城堡建筑是广东省规模较大,保存得较完好的古代海防军事设施之一。 石炮台位于旧汕头的东南角,与隔岸苏安山上的另一座炮台相呼应,扼住汕头海湾入口,地理位置十分险要,是清代粤东地区的主要海防建筑。十九世纪中期,满清政府被迫与美、英、法等国签订了丧权辱国的《南京条约》和《天津条约》,在中国境内开放了十个通商口岸,汕头港是其中之一。 汕头开埠后外国商船纷至沓来。于是,当时的潮州镇最高级武官--总兵方耀,以"邻氛不净,潮海严防"为由,奏请清廷建筑了崎碌炮台。 第一眼看到石炮台就被它的结实所吸引。墙体约有3至4米高,是以贝灰砂和煮熟的糯米及糖浆粘筑巨石而成;周围挖有一道环绕全台的护台河,约3米宽2米深。进入炮台会发现,里面宽敞通风。炮台分上下两层,各有火炮18门,下层在沿墙有炮口,内有1172平方米的炮巷;从下层登上炮台上层,有27级流线型的台阶,主要是便于搬运武器弹药。石炮台呈圆形,中间围成的圆形场地,现已被辟为喝茶的地方。能在这样一个兼具军事和品古功能的地方品茶,滋味真是不一样。 远远看着护城内城墙上飘着五星红旗,一门门红衣大炮均匀的布局在城墙上,走过小桥后,顺着城墙走,看见每个窗口左右都有个小洞,不知道是不是枪眼。很有特色波浪形状的石阶,走上城墙,还新鲜,不习惯。 仔细看了这些塔,内部有个拳头大的小孔,介绍说是通话与通气用的,看着红衣大炮的炮口,瞄准着大海港湾。 不远海面上悠闲地飘着船舶,对大炮的存在没感觉到半点紧张气氛,一片祥和的景象。石炮台公园是有历史性的公园...也是历史的象征...里面环境不错.很幽雅....
My hometown is a seashore city—— Shantou.
Shantou lands place motherland southeast coastal have unique natural and humanity environment.
It is a bridge town swim the silk feelings of son Su is fish for sea love.
Shantou is also a culture city literature origin flows out length has rich content. It have fed a tide of acting another generation people its culture is immortal.
Shantou is also beautiful meal Zhi it has the varied snack of delicious food tide Shan congou is more famous world.
Again besides Shan the environment with graceful head since attracting countless visitor this travel.
after entering the program of " 115 " Shan head is more dynasty the goal of modern seashore city disdain with great efforts.
我的家乡 我的家乡是一座海滨城市--汕头。 汕头,地处祖国东南沿海,有着独特的自然和人文环境。
它是一个桥乡,游子的丝丝情愫,是鱼儿对海的依恋。 汕头更是个文化之都,文学渊源流长,内容丰富。它哺育了一代又一代的潮汕人民,其文化永垂不朽。
汕头也是个美食之都,它有多种多样的美味小吃,潮汕工夫茶更是闻名天下。 再加之,汕头优美的环境,吸引着无数游人来这旅游。
而且,进入“十一五”规划后,汕头更是朝着现代化海滨城市的目标不屑努力。 汕头,我可爱的家乡,它是个美丽的神化。我爱它!
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