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2022-08-30 17:19:36常见问题1

lf you like to keep lively,    lf you hate being bored,    just come down to our house and knock on the door.
it's the noisiest house in the whole of our town,
doors are always slamming and things falling down.
my dad keeps shouting,
and my mum breaks things,
the baby will bite you,
and our dog runs in rings.
my sister cries and my brother roars,
and my grandpa is stong deaf(he always slams doors).
so come down to our house,
you don't need the address,
you'll the outside's a mess.
you won't mind the racket,
you'll just love the din-
for there's never a dull moment ln the house we live in!
如果你想要一直保持活泼开朗,而且非常讨厌一个人闲着无聊,可以上门来找我们。我们家是镇里最热闹的一家了,门总是猛砰一关,而且总是有东西往下掉。我爸爸成天吆喝着,我的妈妈总是打碎东西,小孩子也不罢甘休地成天嬉闹着,小狗也是整天铃铃地跑着。我的小妹妹经常哭,我的兄弟也是大声地吼叫,我爷爷听力很不好(他总是很用力地关门)所以来我们家,你也不需要地址,这儿总是一片混乱,你也不会去介意这儿很喧闹,你一定会很喜欢这里七下英语书电子课本! 我们家将永远是这么地一派生机。!

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