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2022-08-28 22:41:05常见问题1

the letter is from a boy called(a)_Tom____to a girl called(b)__Lily____.the boy lives in a country called(c)__United____ _State______.he wrote to the girl on (d)__the_____ _desk___.he wants to be the girl's(e)_friend_____and he wants her to (f)_reply______to him soon


starter unit 3 What color is it? Unit 1 My name’s Gina unit2 This is my sister unit3 Is this your pencil? unit4 Where's my schoolbag? unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? unit 6 Do you like bananas? Unit 7 How much are these socks? unit8 When is your birthday? unit9 My favorite subject is science .starter1,2和上面的回答一样七年级上册英语书电子书。初三的没有变化。我不知道你还需要不,需要的话我再回答 。打字不容易。

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