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托福阅读ancient(托福阅读ancient athens)

2023-05-12 21:55:20考研问题

托福阅读ancient athens


ancient times

olden times


Ancient lexicon


Siam is the name of ancient Thailand.


political system of the Greek polis


It is an ancient burial-mound.


A member of the hereditary aristocracy of ancient athens.


What a farrago of old fables is this!


The acropolis is one of the wonders of the ancient world


The law provides that valuable ancient Buildings must Be preserved By the government.

托福阅读ancient southwestern


square 平方;正方形

meter 米;公尺

deep 深的;纵深的

desert 沙漠

population 人口;人口数量

Asia 亚洲

feel free (可以)随便(做某事)

tour 旅行;旅游

tourist 旅行者;观光者

Wall 墙

amazing 令人大为惊奇的;令人惊喜(或惊叹)的

ancient 古代的;古老的

protect 保护;防护

wide 宽的;宽阔的

as far as l know 就我所知

achievement 成就;成绩

southwestern 西南的;西南方向的

thick 厚的;浓的

include 包括;包含

freezing 极冷的;冰冻的

condition 条件;状况

take in 吸入;吞入(体内)

succeed 实现目标;成功

challenge 挑战;考验

in the face of 面对(问题、困难等)

achieve 达到;完成;成功

force 力;力量

nature 自然界;大自然

even though 即使;虽然

ocean 大海;海洋

the Pacific Ocean 太平洋

centimeter 厘米

weigh 重量是……;称……的重量

birth 出生;诞生

at birth 出生时

up to 到达(某数量、程度等);至多有;不多于

adult 成年的;成人的;成人;成年动物

bamboo 竹子

endangered 濒危的

research 研究;调查(用作名词时,重音可放在第一个音节)

keeper 饲养员;保管人

awake 醒着

excitement 激动;兴奋

walk into 走路时撞着

fall over 绊倒

illness 疾病;病

remaining 遗留的;剩余的

or so 大约

artwork 图片;插图

wild 野生的

government 政府;内阁

whale 鲸

oil 油;食用油;石油

protection 保护;保卫

huge 巨大的;极多的

Tenzing Norgay 丹增 诺尔盖

Edmund Hillary 埃德蒙 希拉里

Junko Tabei 田部井淳子

Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰

the Nile 尼罗河

the Caspian Sea 里海(世界最大的咸水湖)

the Sahara 撒哈拉沙漠

the Yangtze River 长江

the Yellow River 黄河

the Ming Dynasty 明朝

the Ming Great Wall 明长城

the Himalayas 喜马拉雅山脉

the Amazon River 亚马逊河

托福阅读ancient egyptian sculpture

Anubis. It is the God of death in ancient Egyptian mythology. It is a beast head God related to Mummy making and life after death. It appears in the murals of the tomb of the Pharaoh in the image of jackal head and human body. On the one hand, it is said that he is the son of Seth, the God of the desert, and his wife neftis. On the other hand, it is said that he is the illegitimate son of Osiris, the God of Hades among the nine pillar gods in Egypt.

托福阅读ancient Roma and Greece

中文意思是adj. 古代的,远古的;古老的,年代久远的;老的,老掉牙的,n. (尤指埃及、希腊和罗马的)古代人;<古>老头


Ludo is a version of an ancient Indian racing game.“鲁多游戏”是一种古代印度竞赛游戏的变体。

The temple is one of the glories of ancient Greece.这座庙宇是古希腊的一大骄傲。

托福阅读ancient rome and greece

Greece is a historical country

In Greek mythology, the god Zeus took the form of a swan to seduce Leda.

Did democracy have its beginnings in ancient Greece?

The temple is one of the glories of ancient Greece.

托福阅读ancient Greek pottery




