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2023-05-05 20:28:05考研问题



My father is a tall man with a pair of glasses. Everyone says he is a kind-hearted man. He often helps his neighbours and some strangers whom he doesnt know at all.

He has really done a lot for others. I dont like him to do so because I think it has taken him too much time.


Forgiveness benefits both the one we gorgive and ourselves.If we can let go of the resentment,we will feel happier.Staying angry can only make us feel worse.In addition,forgiving others is goog for our health.It eliminates stress and relieves hurtful tension.When we forgive,we do somethinggood for both our body and mind.Finally,forgiving empowers us.It makes us stronger and more mature.It teaches us the power of compassion.

Given all of the above benefits,we should do our best to forgive and forget.We should let painful memories go and atart fresh,for then we can feel better.Besides,we all make mistakes.It is more than likely that we will need someone else's forgiveness someday.


Meimei is a tall girl with beautiful black hair. She is a top student. She’s friendly and helpful.

When I move here, I didn’t do well in English and math. I fell behind other students. I was worried. She often lent me her notebooks and came to my house to help me after school, sometimes until late at night. A term later, I caught up with others. We became best friends.

I’m lucky to have a friend like her.




英语记叙文的万能句型有如下几个,常用的句型是It is +形容 for sb. to do  something,当然还有一个句型可以使用,I think...Not only but also


记叙文的特点就是以写人、叙事、写景 狭义的记叙文,包括记叙性的文学作品、游记、日记。古代的记、传、序、表、志等、状物为主要内容、事,以状物为主,常见的如消息、通讯、通讯、简报、叙事、写景,以及一部分书信等。 正因为记叙文写的是生活中的见闻,所以一定要表达出作者对于生活的真切感受。 分类 侧重记事的记叙文、叙事、写景。 记叙文是指记人、特写、报告文学,现代的消息、物的情态变化和发展进行叙述和描写的一类文章。 广义的记叙文是指以记人,借象征抒怀、景,以叙述事情的发生、发展,都属于记叙文的范畴、状物为主,对社会生活中的人、状物等类的文章、游记等、经过和结果为重点。 侧重状物的记叙文、回忆录、回忆录;通过描述人物、时间及状物、写景来表达一定的中心



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